1. S. K. Duggal, Building Materials, New Age International
  2. P. C. Vaghee, Building Materials, PHI Learning
  3. S. C. Rangwala, Engineering Materials, Charotar
  4. M. S. Shetty, Concrete Technology, S. Chand Technical
  5. A. M. Neville, J. J. Brooks, Concrete Technology, Prentice Hall
  1. Plain & Reinforced Concrete Vol. I & II – O.P. Jain & Jay Krishna 
  2. Limit State Design by P.C.Varghese ; Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
  3. Design of Reinforced Concrete Elements by Purushothman; Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi 
  4. Reinforced Cement Concrete by Gupta & Mallick, Oxford and IBH 
  5. Reinforced Cement Concrete by P. Dayaratnam, Oxford and IBH 
  6. Plain & reinforced concrete - Rammuttham 
  7. Plain & reinforced concrete – B.C. Punnia
  8. Structural Design & Drawing by N.K.Raju. 
  9. Design of Concrete Structure, Ramchandra & V.Gehlot, Scientific Publisher, Jodhpur
  1. M S Shetty, Concrete Technology. S. Chand Technical 
  2. M L Gambhir,Concrete Technology Theory and Practice, McGraw-Hill Education. 
  3. J Thomas, Concrete Technology, Cengage Learning. 
  4. AM Neville, Concrete Technology, Pearson Education India. 
  5. Santhakumar ,Concrete Technology., Oxford University Press 
  6. SS Bhavikatti, Concrete Technology, IK International 
  7. Sinha, S N Reinforced Concrete Design, Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited. 
  8. Rai Mohan, M.P. Jai Singh, Advances in Building Materials & Construction. 
  9. Jackson N, R K Dhir, Civil Engineering materials, Macmillan 
  1. Punmia B.C., Mechanics of Materials, ,Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd. 
  2. S.S Bhavikaati, Strength of Materials, Vikas Publisher, new Delhi 
  3. Rajput R. K., Strength of Materials, S. Chand. 
  4. S. Ramamrutham, R. Narayanan, Strength of Materials, DhanpatRai Publications. 
  5. R. Subramaniam, Strength of Materials, Oxford University Press. 
  6. Sadhu Singh , Strength of Material , Khanna Publishers 
  7. Mubeen A , Mechanics of solids , Pearsons 
  8. D.S PrakashRao, Strength of Material , University Press , Hyderabad 
  9. Debrath Nag, Strength of Material , Wiley 
  10. Jindal , Strength of Material , Pearsons. 
  11. Bansal R.K, Strength of Materials, Laxmi Publisher, New Delhi. 
  12. Nash, W.A., Strength of Materials, Mcgraw hills, New Delhi. 
  13. Chandramouli, Strength of Materials, PHI learning 
  14. Dongre A.P., Strength of Materials, Scitech, Chennai 
  15. Negi L. S ,Strength of Materials, McGraw Hill Professional. 
  16. Raj Puroshattam, Strength of Material , Pearsons
  17. J.M. Gere,.J. G. Barry Mechanics of Material, Cengage Learning 
  1. Rammamurtham, Theory of Structures, Dhanpat Rai . 
  2. Bhavikatti S.S. Analysis of Structures (I&II) Vikas Publication 
  3. B C Punmia, Theory of Structures, Firewall Media. 
  4. A Kassimali, Structural Analysis, Cengage Learning. 
  5. A Ghali, A Neville, T G Brown, Structural Analysis: CRC Press. 
  6. Hibbler, Structure Analysis -1, Pearson Education India 
  7. C S Reddy, Basic Structural Analysis, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company. 
  8. Pandit and Gupta, Theory of Structures – I, McGraw Hills 
  9. West HH, Fundamental of Structural Analysis, Wiley India 
  10. Das MM, Structural Analysis, PHI 
  11. Thandavamurthy TS, Structural Analysis, Oxford 
  12. Muthuku, Azmi I, Basic Structural Analysis, IK International Publisher 
  13. C KWang, Intermediate Structural Analysis, McGraw Hill 
  14. J Kinney Sterling, Indeterminate structural Analysis, Addison-Wesley 
  15. RR Mamuther S Theoty of Structures Dhanpat Rai 
  16. Jain O.P.-Jain B.K. Theory& Analysis of Structures (I&II) Nem Chand
  1. Soil Mech. & Found. Engg. by Dr. K.R. Arora - Std. Publishers Delhi. 
  2. Soil Mech. & Found. by Dr. B.C.Punmia- Laxmi Publications, Delhi. 
  3. Modern Geotech Engg. by Dr.l Aram Singh - IBT Publishers, Delhi. 
  4. Geotech Engg. by C. Venkatramaiah - New Age International Publishers, Delhi 
  5. Soil Mech. & Found. Engg. by S.K. Garg- Khanna Publishers, Delhi. 
  6. Soil Testing for Engg. by T.W. Lambe - John Wiley & Soms. Inc.
  1. Water Supply and Waste Water Engineering by B. C. Punmia - Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd. New Delhi 
  2. Water Supply & Sanitar y Engg. by G.S. Bird i - Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd. New Delhi 
  3. Water & Waste Water Technology by Mark J.Hammer - Prentice - Hall of India, New Delhi 
  4. Environmental Engineer ing - H.S. Peavy & D.R.Rowe - Mc Graw Hill Bo ok Company, New Delhi 
  5. Water Supply & Sanitar y Engg. by S. K. Husain 
  6. Water & Waste Water Technology - G.M. Fair & J.C. Geyer 
  7. Sewage Disposal and Air pollution Engineering by S. K. Garg Khanna Publishers. 
  1. Highway Engineering by Gurucharan Singh 
  2. Principles of Pavement Design by E.J. Yoder & M.W. Witzech
  3. Highway Engineering by O’Fleherty 
  4. Highway Engineering by S.K. Khanna & C.E.G. Justo 
  5. Airport Planning & Design by S.K. Khanna & M. G. arora 
  6. Foresch, Charles “Airport Planning” 
  7. Horonjeff Robert “The Planning & Design of Airports” 
  8. Sharma & Sharma, Principles and Practice of Highway Engg. 
  9. Haung, Analysis and Design of Pavements
  10. Laboratory Mannual by Dr. S.K. Khanna 
  11. Highway Engg. By Hews & Oglesby 13. Highway Material by Walker
  1. B.C Punmia , Surveying Vol-II & III ,Laxmi Publication. 
  2. S.K. Duggal, Surveying Vol. II McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd. 
  3. Saikia MD, Das BM, Das MM, Surveying, McGraw hill 
  4. T.P. Kanetkar and S.V. Kulkarini Surveying and Leveling-Part-I & II , Pune VidyarthiGrihaPrakashan, Pune. 
  5. Gopi A, Satikumar R- Advance surveying, Pearson 
  6. Remote Sensing and image interpretation by Lillesand T.M. and Kiefer R.W. 
  7. R.Agor, Advance Surveying ,Khanna Publisher 
  8. Chandra AM, Higher Surveying, New Age International, new Dwlhi 
  9. Bhavikatti SS, Surveying and Levelling Vol. II, I.K International 
  10. Venkatramaiah, Surveying, University Press, Mumbai 
  11. BhattaBasudeb, , Remote Sensing and GIS, Oxford, New Delhi. 
  12. Subramanaian, Surveying &levelling, Oxford, New Delhi. 
  13. Joseph George Fundamentals of Remote Sensing


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